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Vikash Kumar

Vikash Kumar

Director at Acuity Knowledge Partners
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Bio Digital & Agile Transformation, Product Management, Banking Domain Consultant Career History Banker, Banking Domain Consultant, Agile Coach.


Innovation in Financial Services

Boost Relationship Managers’ performance through Digitization

22 Sep 2015

Being a Relationship Manager Relationship Managers (RM) are always on the move and it is vital that they have access to all relevant information to excel in this fiercely competitive banking landscape. Over the years, the role of RMs is evolving along with banking technology. During my tenure with Banks as a RM, I seldom had answers to customer qu...



Leveraging BPM for Banking

16 Mar 2015

Introduction In a market marked with fierce competition, consolidation, evolving technology and more than ever stringent regulatory framework, banks are finding it tough to not only acquire new customers but also to retain the existing ones. Banks are exploring avenues to improve customer experience through uniform and controlled processes for on...